In July 2024, Nigel and I attended the 8th workshop for the Surrey Nature Recovery Plan. It was hosted at Zero in Guildford. It is a really nice venue for meetings and includes a community run cafe, meeting rooms and a citizen science laboratory to test water samples.

The SNRS has arisen from the Government setting a number of legally binding targets, including protecting and preserving 30% of land and sea for biodiversity by 2030 - woodland cover, hedgerows, SSSI, and access, and pertinent to us, improve water quality and availability - reduce nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and sediment pollution from agriculture into the water environment by at least 40% by 2038 compared to a 2018 baseline.
Where are we in the LNRS process?
Mapping Areas of Importance for Biodiversity (APIB)
Collating pressures, threats, challenges and opportunities
Gathering the priorities long-list - this is where we are now
Shortlisting the priorities
identifying potential measures
Mapping Areas that Could become of Importance for Biodiversity (ACIB)
Public Consultation
For more information:

It was a very interesting day working with other local groups and organisations looking at issues surrounding water systems in the landscape; the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to a wide range of different habitats including wet woodlands, waterways & wetlands, farmland, parks/golf courses. Also brain storming ideas to increase landscape connectivity, and mapping potential areas for creating new habitat improvement for biodiversity.

Please hit "like" and leave a comment if you enjoy our work. Please also consider clicking that Donate button if you appreciate the hard work our charity is doing to improve the River Mole for wildlife and people: we need test kits and reagent to keep going plus boring things like website subs and insurance to pay. All donations enormously welcome and appreciated. We are all volunteers from Citizen Scientists to Trustees. Thank you :-)